Application Form

Documents and Information needed BEFORE you begin filling out this form

Please note you will need a number of documents ready to take pictures of or upload in order to complete this form. Please have the following ready BEFORE you begin filling out this form:

ID – Documents

  • Passport > Any current and valid passport
  • Biometric residence permit > UK
  • Current driving licence photocard – (full or provisional) > UK, Isle of Man, and Channel Islands. From 8 June 2015, the paper counterpart to the photocard driving licence will not be valid and will no longer be issued by DVLA
  • Birth certificate – issued within 12 months of birth > UK, Isle of Man, and Channel Islands – including those issued by UK authorities overseas, for example embassies, High Commissions and HM Forces
  • Adoption certificate > UK and Channel Islands

Proof of Address

  • Bank Statement (Less than 3 months old)
  • Council Tax Bill (Less than 12 months old)
  • Any Inland Revenue Document (Less than 12 months old)
  • Any P45 or P60 (Less than 12 months old)
  • Tenancy Agreement (Less than 12 months old)
  • Utility Bills – Not a mobile phone bill (not less than 3 months old)
  • Valid Insurance Document (Less than 3 months old)

Please have all this information ready to enable you to fill this form in quickly.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Full Name
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Are you a British Citizen?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Please upload a clear picture of your passport; showing the picture page with no obstructions
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Must be 2 proof of address, not older than 3 months EG: Utility bill, bank statement/letter, Government letter, tax bill etc. Cannot be a mobile phone bill.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Please upload your NI card or a letter showing your name and NI number from the UK Government

SIA Licence

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Do you hold a UK drivers licence?

Drivers Licence Details

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.

Next of Kin Details

Please add details for your next of kin to be contacted in case of an emergency
Criminal or Civil Offences
Have you ever been made bankrupt?
Do you have any county court judgements against you?

Personal Referees

Please give details of two people, whom we can approach for a character reference. Please note, personal referees: MUST have known you for a minimum of 3 years prior to you signing this application MUST NOT be previous employers MUST NOT be relatives by blood or marriage MUST NOT be residing at the same address as yourself

Employment History (Part A)

The security screening process requires that we are able to verify your personal history for a period of five (5) years or to the date of leaving school. Please give details of your personal history. Note 1 - Most recent job first. Note 2 - Do not leave any gaps in employment history, if not working give reasons and dates. Note 3 - Be sure to give full addresses, including telephone numbers and dates. MUST NOT be previous employers MUST NOT be relatives by blood or marriage MUST NOT be residing at the same address as yourself
Employers Address
Have you been self employed for any period during the last 5 years?


Details of secondary school(s), college(s) and universities attended within the last 10 years
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Use this section to provide further information to any question you have answered Yes to or to provide additional information you feel is relevant.
Employee Statement
*Select one option that applies to your current situation.
Do you have a Student Loan?
Only used for HMRC start check list
Did you finish your studies before last 6th April?
Only used for HMRC start check list

Bank Details

Bank Address
Wages / Salary
I authorise The Constellation Management Group to credit the above account for my wages/salary
I authorise The Constellation Management Group to credit the above account for my expenses
Agreement for the deduction of monies
  • I hereby agree that should the following be incurred, the company or a nominated agent of the company will make deductions of costs incurred, including V.A.T and administration costs from my wages.
  • This is a binding written term of your contract of employment in compliance with section 1 of the Wages Act 1986.
  • Costs of uniform or equipment issued to me but not returned at the request of the company or a nominated agent within 14 days of the request being made, verbally or in writing.
  • If my employment is terminated by myself or the company for any reason within the probationary period, then an amount equal to costs incurred may be deducted from my final salary/pay to recoup the cost of uniform issued.
  • The cost of any unauthorised calls made by me from any communication device belonging to the company or its client.

Working Time Regulations 1999

The Working Time Regulations came into effect on the 1st of October 1998. These regulations resulted in the implementation of the Working Time Directive, which was adopted by the European Council under health and safety provisions in 2003. In brief, The Working Time Regulations outline minimum health and safety requirements for companies and organisations in relation to weekly working hours, rest days, etc.

Under the Working Time Regulations 1998, an individual's average working week should not exceed 48 hours. However, individuals can opt out of the Working Time Regulations in relation to this 48 hours per week.

To clarify, should you decide to opt out of the Working Time Regulations, in that you agree to work more than 48 hours a week, it does not mean you have to work more than 48 hours a week. It means that should you wish to work additional hours available beyond 48 hours a week, you can do so.

If you do not wish to opt out, it means that we cannot offer you more than 48 hours on average per week.

Please Read and select Only One of the following statements.
Alcohol and Drugs Policy
Privacy Notice for Job Applicants

Authorisation & Compliance Declaration

I understand that employment with this company is subject to references and screening in accordance with BS 7858.

I confirm that the information I have provided on my application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that I will be subject to any or all of the following checks:

  • Address check
  • Financial probity check which the company will retain on file
  • ID verification checks
  • Academic/professional qualification check
  • Employment history, including any periods of unemployment/self-employment and any gaps
  • Criminal background check

I authorise the company or its agents to approach government agencies, former employers, educational establishments, for information relating to and verification of my employment or unemployment history, a consumer information search and ID check with a credit reference agency, which will keep a record of those searches in line with current legislation.

I further declare that any documents that I provide as proof of my identity, proof of address, and any other documents that I provide are genuine and that any falsified documents may be reported to the appropriate authority. I understand that it may be a criminal offence to attempt to obtain employment by deception and that any misrepresentation, omission of a material fact, or deception will be cause for immediate withdrawal of any offer of employment.

I accept that I may be required to undergo a medical examination where requested by the company. I understand and agree that if so required I will make a statutory declaration in accordance with the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835, in confirmation of previous employment or unemployment.

I understand that any false statement or omission to the company or its representatives may render me liable to dismissal without notice.

By signing this declaration, I agree that I have provided complete and true information in support of the application and that I understand that knowingly making a false statement for this purpose is a criminal offence.

Please sign to confirm you agree to the above processing terms:

Clear Signature