Event Security
17 July 2024

Guide to Staying Safe at Festivals

Security Guard at a Festival talking to people lining up to go to the bar.

Festivals are a time for celebration, music, and community. However, ensuring safety amidst the fun is crucial. This guide provides in-depth, well-researched information to help you stay safe at festivals. Consolidating advice from credible sources aims to make your festival experience both enjoyable and secure.

Understanding Festival Safety

Attending festivals involves certain risks, from overcrowding to health emergencies. Being aware and prepared can significantly enhance your safety and enjoyment.

Festival safety involves understanding various aspects such as crowd management, personal safety, and emergency preparedness. Consulting resources from reputable organisations like the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Security Industry Authority (SIA) can provide valuable insights.

This guide consolidates information from credible sources, including industry experts, safety organisations, and festival organisers, to ensure comprehensive and reliable advice. 

Pre-Festival Preparations

Research the Festival

Before attending, gather detailed information about the festival. Visit the official website, review the event schedule, and understand the layout. Knowing where key facilities like first aid stations, security points, and exits can be lifesaving in emergencies.

Health Precautions

Ensure you are in good health before attending a festival. Stay hydrated, eat well, and get adequate rest. If you have any medical conditions, carry the necessary medications and inform a companion about your condition.

Packing Essentials

Pack the following essentials:

  • Identification and Tickets: Keep them in a secure place.
  • Water and Snacks: Stay hydrated and maintain energy levels.
  • Weather-Appropriate Clothing: Dress in layers and bring a raincoat or poncho.
  • Sun Protection: Sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses are vital.
  • First Aid Kit: Include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.
  • Communication Devices: Fully charged phone and a power bank.

On-Site Safety Tips

Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

Constantly be aware of your surroundings. Note the locations of exits, first aid stations, and security personnel. Avoid isolated areas and stick to well-lit, populated zones.

Personal Belongings

Keep your personal belongings secure. Use a money belt or a cross-body bag with zippers. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; instead, use contactless payment methods.

Alcohol and Substance Use

If consuming alcohol, do so responsibly. Stay within your limits and never accept drinks from strangers. Be aware of the festival’s policies on substance use and follow local laws.

Stay with Your Group

Stick with your friends or companions. Establish meeting points in case you get separated. Use mobile apps designed for group location sharing.

Emergency Procedures

Familiarise yourself with emergency procedures. Know how to contact festival staff or emergency services. If an incident occurs, remain calm and follow instructions from security personnel.

Health and Hygiene

Hydration and Nutrition

Drink plenty of water, especially in hot weather. Dehydration can lead to serious health issues. Eat regular meals to maintain energy levels throughout the day.

Sanitation Facilities

Locate sanitation facilities early. Use hand sanitiser frequently and carry wet wipes for personal hygiene. Avoid using poorly maintained facilities to reduce the risk of infections.

Rest and Recovery

Take breaks to rest. Overexertion can lead to fatigue and health problems. Find shaded areas or designated rest zones to relax and recuperate.

Handling Emergencies

Medical Emergencies

If you or someone else needs medical attention, locate the nearest first aid station immediately. Festival staff are trained to handle emergencies and can provide necessary assistance.

Crowd Safety

In crowded areas, move slowly and avoid pushing. If you feel unsafe, calmly move towards the edges of the crowd. In case of a stampede, protect your head and try to stay on your feet.

Lost and Found

If you lose a personal item or a companion, contact festival staff or visit the lost and found area. Many festivals have systems in place to help reunite lost items and people.

Post-Festival Care

Exiting the Venue

When leaving the festival, avoid rushing. Follow the crowd but stay alert to your surroundings. Ensure you have all your belongings before departing.

Health Check

After the festival, check for any signs of illness or injury. Rest adequately and hydrate to recover from the exertion.

Feedback and Reflection

Provide feedback to festival organisers about your experience. Reflect on what went well and what could be improved for future events. Sharing your experiences can help improve safety for future attendees.


Staying safe at festivals requires preparation, awareness, and responsible behaviour. By following the guidelines in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable festival experience. Always prioritise your safety and well-being, and make the most of the vibrant and exciting festival atmosphere.


  1. Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – Festival Safety
  2. Security Industry Authority (SIA) – Event Security Guidance

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