Safety Advice | Training
27 August 2024

What Is ACT Training?

Awareness and preparedness are crucial in an increasingly unpredictable world, especially when it comes to countering terrorism. One significant step towards ensuring public safety is through ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) Training. Developed by the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), ACT Training equips individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills to identify and respond to potential terrorist threats. This article explores the key aspects of ACT Training, its importance, and how you can participate.

Understanding ACT Training

ACT Training is a comprehensive counter-terrorism awareness program designed to educate the public and frontline security personnel about the risks posed by terrorism. The primary goal of this training is to enhance the ability to recognise, report, and respond to terrorist activities effectively. By spreading awareness and teaching practical response strategies, ACT Training aims to mitigate the impact of terrorist incidents and, ideally, prevent them from occurring in the first place.

NaCTSO, a key component of the UK’s counter-terrorism efforts, developed ACT Training as a free resource available to individuals and organisations across the UK. This training is part of the broader ‘ProtectUK‘ initiative, which focuses on reducing the vulnerability of crowded places and enhancing the UK’s resilience against terrorism.

Types of ACT Training Courses

ACT Training offers several courses tailored to different audiences. These courses are designed to address specific needs and roles within various sectors, ensuring that all participants gain the relevant knowledge and skills.

ACT Awareness

ACT Awareness is the most basic course, intended for a general audience. It is an e-learning module that covers essential topics such as how to identify suspicious behaviour, the steps to take in the event of a terrorist incident, and the importance of staying vigilant in public spaces. The course typically takes around 45 minutes to complete and is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their prior knowledge or experience with security matters.

Participants will learn about the different types of terrorist threats, from lone actors to organised groups, and gain insights into the methods terrorists may use to carry out attacks. This awareness is crucial for security professionals and anyone who spends time in public places or manages a business where large groups of people gather.

ACT Security

ACT Security is a more advanced course designed specifically for frontline security operatives. This training is more in-depth and focuses on the unique challenges those responsible for the safety and security of public and private spaces face. The course covers various topics, including advanced surveillance techniques, behavioural analysis, and the legal framework surrounding counter-terrorism activities.

ACT Security training is particularly valuable for security guards, event staff, and other professionals who may be the first to notice and respond to potential threats. The training typically takes several hours to complete and includes practical scenarios to test participants’ knowledge and readiness.

Benefits of ACT Training

Participating in ACT Training offers several significant benefits for individuals and organisations. These benefits go beyond just ticking a box for compliance—they contribute to creating a safer environment for everyone.

Improved Preparedness

One of the most critical advantages of ACT Training is the improved preparedness it provides. Participants gain a clear understanding of how to identify potential threats and take appropriate action. This preparedness can make a significant difference in the event of a real incident, potentially saving lives and reducing the impact of an attack.

Enhanced Threat Recognition

Through ACT Training, individuals learn to recognise the signs of terrorist planning and activity, which are often subtle and easily overlooked. By being more alert and informed, participants can play a crucial role in preventing attacks before they happen. This enhanced threat recognition is especially important in environments such as transportation hubs, shopping centres, and entertainment venues, where large crowds can be vulnerable targets.

Contribution to Overall Security

ACT Training helps to foster a culture of vigilance and security within organisations and communities. When more people are trained to recognise and respond to potential threats, the overall security of public spaces is enhanced. This collective awareness contributes to a more resilient society, where the risk of successful terrorist attacks is significantly reduced.

How to Access ACT Training

Accessing ACT Training is straightforward and free of charge. The courses are available online through the ProtectUK website, which serves as a central hub for counter-terrorism resources and information.

To begin, you need to register on the ProtectUK website. The registration process is simple, requiring basic details such as your name, email address, and organisation (if applicable). Once registered, you can log in and start the ACT Awareness or ACT Security course at your convenience.

Relevance to License-Linked Qualifications

For those in the security industry, ACT e-learning is more than just a valuable educational tool—it can also count towards specific license-linked qualifications. For instance, the UK Security Industry Authority (SIA) recognises ACT Training as part of the continuous professional development required to renew certain security licences.

By completing ACT Training, security professionals can demonstrate their commitment to staying informed about current threats and best practices in counter-terrorism. This training can be used as part of the evidence required for licence renewal, making it a practical option for meeting industry standards.

Importance of Ongoing Training and Awareness

The threat landscape constantly evolves, and staying up-to-date with the latest advice and strategies is crucial. ACT Training provides an excellent foundation, but it is essential to refresh your knowledge and skills regularly. The UK government frequently updates its guidance and training materials to reflect new intelligence and emerging threats, so regular participation in refresher courses is advisable.

Ongoing training ensures that individuals and organisations are not only compliant with legal requirements but are also equipped to deal with new types of threats as they arise. Staying informed through platforms like ProtectUK and participating in updated courses is a proactive step towards maintaining a high level of security awareness.


In today’s world, where the threat of terrorism is an unfortunate reality, being prepared and informed is more important than ever. ACT Training, developed by NaCTSO, offers a practical and accessible way for individuals and organisations to enhance their counter-terrorism awareness and response capabilities.

Whether you are a member of the general public, a business owner, or a security professional, participating in ACT Training is a valuable investment in safety. By taking the time to complete these courses, you are not only contributing to your own security but also playing a part in protecting the wider community.

To get started with ACT Training, visit the ProtectUK website and register today. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and help make our public spaces safer for everyone.

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