Safety Advice
22 July 2024

What is Ask Angela?

Ask For Angela


In recent years, initiatives to enhance public safety and support for individuals in vulnerable situations have gained significant attention. One such initiative is the “Ask Angela” campaign. This program, which started in the United Kingdom, provides a discreet way for individuals to seek help when they feel unsafe, particularly in social settings like bars, clubs, and restaurants. This article delves into the origins, implementation, and impact of the Ask Angela campaign.

Origins of the Ask Angela Campaign

The Ask Angela campaign was launched by the Lincolnshire County Council in the UK in 2016 as part of the council’s efforts to reduce sexual violence and improve public safety. The campaign’s name, “Angela,” is a code word for help, derived from the Greek word “angelos,” meaning messenger or angel, symbolising a call for assistance.

Key Objectives

  • Enhancing Safety: Provide a safe and discreet method for individuals, especially women, to seek help if they feel threatened or uncomfortable.
  • Promoting Awareness: Educate the public and venue staff about the importance of recognising and responding to signs of distress.
  • Building Trust: Create a supportive environment where people feel confident that their concerns will be taken seriously.

How the Ask Angela Campaign Works

The mechanics of the Ask Angela campaign are straightforward yet effective. When an individual feels unsafe, they can approach a member of staff at a participating venue and ask for “Angela.” This phrase signals to the staff that the person needs assistance. The staff member will then take the individual to a safe space and offer support, including calling a taxi, notifying security, or contacting the police if necessary.

Implementation Steps for Venues

  1. Training Staff: Employees are trained to recognise the code word and understand the appropriate actions.
  2. Displaying Posters: Visible posters in restrooms and around the venue inform patrons about the campaign and how to use it.
  3. Creating Safe Spaces: Venues designate areas where individuals can wait safely while help is arranged.

Example Poster Text

“Are you on a date that isn’t working out? Do you feel like you’re not in a safe situation? If you go to the bar and ask for ‘Angela,’ the staff will know you need some help to get out of your situation and will call you a taxi or help you discreetly – without too much fuss.”

Impact of the Ask Angela Campaign

Since its inception, the Ask Angela campaign has received widespread praise and adoption across the UK and internationally. Various studies and reports highlight its effectiveness in providing immediate support and potentially preventing incidents of harassment and assault.

Statistical Evidence

  • Increased Reports of Assistance: Many venues report a significant increase in individuals seeking help using the Ask Angela code.
  • Positive Feedback: Surveys indicate high satisfaction levels among campaign users, with many feeling more secure in participating venues.

Case Studies

  • UK Success Stories: Numerous bars and clubs in cities like London, Manchester, and Birmingham have reported successful interventions thanks to the Ask Angela campaign.
  • Global Adoption: The campaign has inspired similar initiatives in Australia, Ireland, and Canada, showcasing its worldwide relevance and adaptability.

Benefits of the Ask Angela Campaign

The Ask Angela campaign offers several benefits contributing to its success and acceptance.

For Individuals

  • Safety and Security: Provides a reliable way to seek help without drawing attention.
  • Empowerment: Empowers individuals to take control of their safety in uncomfortable situations.
  • Confidentiality: Ensures that help is provided discreetly, maintaining the individual’s privacy.

For Venues

  • Enhanced Reputation: Participating venues are seen as safe and supportive, attracting more patrons.
  • Staff Preparedness: Training improves staff’s ability to handle emergencies and support customers effectively.
  • Community Trust: Builds trust within the community, reinforcing the venue’s commitment to public safety.

Challenges and Considerations

While the Ask Angela campaign has been widely successful, it also faces certain challenges.

Implementation Barriers

  • Training Consistency: Ensuring all staff members are adequately trained and regularly updated on the procedures.
  • Awareness Levels: Maintaining high levels of public awareness about the campaign.

Privacy Concerns

  • Misuse of the System: The potential for misuse by individuals not genuinely in need could dilute the campaign’s effectiveness.
  • Data Protection: Safeguarding personal information of individuals seeking help.

Future Directions

Several steps can be taken to ensure the continued success and expansion of the Ask Angela campaign.

Expanding Training Programs

  • Regular Refresher Courses: Implementing periodic training sessions for staff to keep their skills sharp.
  • Advanced Training: Providing more detailed training on handling different distress situations.

Increasing Public Awareness

  • Social Media Campaigns: Leveraging social media platforms to spread awareness about the campaign.
  • Community Engagement: Partnering with local organisations and schools to educate the community about the initiative.

Evaluating Effectiveness

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Collecting feedback from users and venues to continuously improve the campaign.
  • Impact Studies: Research to measure the campaign’s impact on public safety and well-being.


The Ask Angela campaign is a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives in enhancing public safety. By providing a simple, effective means for individuals to seek help, it has significantly reduced instances of harassment and assault. As the campaign continues to evolve and expand, it promises to make social environments safer for everyone.

For further information and resources, please visit the official Ask Angela campaign website or contact your local council.

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